All posts tagged: lentils

Vegan Lentil and Sweet Potato Curry

If any dish deserves to be called global, it is curry. From Newfoundland to the Antarctic, from Beijing to Warsaw, there is scarcely a place where curries are not enjoyed. Colleen Taylor Sen Jump to Recipe Curries are one of those things that are somewhat universal – I mean, different cultures in Asia have different types of curry: Thai Green or Red Curry, Japanese Katsu Curry and Curry Rice, both of which have been adapted into Korean culture, as well as of course Indian and Pakistani curries which I’m more familiar with. In Ireland, one of our favourite ways of having curry is on chips! It’s actually just a curry sauce but it’s amazing and will change your way of eating chips forever. Anyway, this recipe came about when my sister was having her baby. As a result, we made her and her husband some meals to tide them over and make their lives a little easier. I had made a version of this once or twice before that but it wasn’t this definitive version …

Tomato, Orange and Lentil Soup

Soup is the song of the hearth…and the home. -Louis P. De Gouy Christmas is here! I am so excited! After all, December is one of my favourite months—Christmas and my birthday rolled into one glorious wintry month! So, in honour of both those great events I have dedicated this month to Christmas inspired food. First up, things have been insane lately: before Thanksgiving even hit Korea, I had been sick almost a week. Now, it’s over two weeks later and this cold is hanging on with its icy toes. It doesn’t help that the weather has completely changed over the last week or so. Before Thanksgiving, the weather was a bit cold, but mostly decent and you could do things like go for an 8k walk. Since the 1st December, though, snow has hit on average 5 days out of 7. It’s much colder and this hasn’t helped me to recover at all—despite mostly staying inside, wrapped in a blanket, with the ondol (floor heating) and space heater on full blast. To top it all off, …

Spiced Carrot and Lentil Soup

I know, I know! I’m crazy, right? A soup recipe? Don’t I know that it’s summer and the days are warm and long for the most part? Rest assured, I do! However, growing up in Ireland taught me that summer can be fleeting and while one summer maybe be glorious (2006, anyone?), another summer can be completely horrendous (2007!). Cue moving to Korea where the summers are a mix of hot, sweaty humidity and thundering, lashing rain. On those days, I don’t find myself craving salads or barbeques but rather warm buttery toast dipped in piping hot soup. Even if my a/c is on, I want nothing more than to be cuddled on the bed with a mug of tea in one hand and a bowl of soup in the other. The recipe I am going to share with you this week is one of my favourite soups. I found it on the BBC Good Food website and it has been one of my staples for more than a year. I have only ever made the …

Dinners at Maggie’s: Egyptian Rice and Lentils

“Food is our common ground, a universal experience.” – James Beard A couple of years ago, we had a big family get together. Ostensibly, it was a celebration for my mom’s birthday but in reality we were celebrating a time of change and celebration. My mother and two of my sisters had birthdays that needed recognition. As it was the beginning of the summer, it was a last opportunity for everyone to enjoy each other’s company. We bid adieu to my brother as he left for a year of travel and work in Italy and Korea. Another sister, plus her family, was moving to Minnesota for 6 months as her husband was going to work at the Mayo Clinic. And the youngest member of our family was going too. Taking the opportunity to work in Minnesota for the summer and help our sister with the move. It was a fun but emotional day as everyone chopped, sliced, diced and came together. While we ate many incredibly dishes, most of which were from Extending the Table by Joetta Handrich Schlabach, one …

Burrito-less veggie salad bowl

A burrito is a delicious food item that breaks down all social barriers and leads to temporary spiritual enlightenment.  – Monster High, Lisi Harrison I love burritos. One of my favourite restaurants at home is this little pokey restaurant called Boojum, near Jervis Street Shopping Centre, where you can build your own burrito. Delicious (please forgive me if I ever overuse the word “delicious”.  It is not intentional, but in Korea that is the main word used to describe anything that is really tasty) aromas assail the senses as you walk in, and, for me at least, it’s hard not to just jump over the counter and devour everything I see. When I came to Korea, my brother and I found a place in Itaewon that was of a similar style. Sadly, it did not compare, and since then I’ve been quietly lamenting the lack of a decent build your own burrito place.  Over time I’ve found several other restaurants in Seoul (and Daejeon) that have tasty burritos. However, memories of that delicious  burrito at Boojum must have …